Year 9 Spanish Term 3
Term 3.1 Resources
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Context, communication, and culture: Rutinas y eventos en el pasado, Describing what you / others used to do at work and school
Key ideas and grammar: Contrasting past routines and past events, preterite vs imperfect for past habitual events -ar verbs (-aba, -abas, -aba) inc. dar; estaba, estabas, estaba;
Context, communication, and culture: Rutinas y eventos en el pasado, Describing past family celebrations
Key ideas and grammar: Contrasting past routines and past events, preterite vs imperfect fopreterite vs imperfect for past habitual events -er/-ir verbs (-ía, ías, -ía); also revisit querer, poder, deber as modals in singular persons
Context, communication, and culture: Rutinas y eventos en el pasado, Comparing life now and in the past (focus on Medellín, Colombia)
Key ideas and grammar: Describing in the past, SER present vs imperfect (es vs era; eres vs eras); also 'era' for both 'I' and 's/he'; cuando (as relative pron), PAST tense -ar verbs in preterite; SER vs ESTAR; prenominal adjectives
Context, communication, and culture: Rutinas y eventos en el pasado, A well-known story in Spanish: El Quijote
Key ideas and grammar: Describing and narrating events in progress in the past, Text exploitation week - El Quijote, imperfect tense in 3rd person singular (-aba, -ía); tener vs haber; imperfect estar + present participle for events in progress; use of 'cuando' as a relative pronoun
Context, communication, and culture: El trabajo, Talking to one and more than one person about jobs
Key ideas and grammar: Talking to one and more than one person (present tense), regular -ar verbs in 2nd person singular (-as) vs plural (-áis); eres vs sois; vas vs vais, present simple for future
Context, communication, and culture: El colegio, Giving advice to and asking questions of one and more than one person about school
Key ideas and grammar: Talking to one and more than one person (present tense), regular -er verbs - 2nd person singular (-es) vs plural PRESENT (-éis) including modals (podéis, debéis, queréis + infinitive); 2nd person plural (-áis); regular -ir verbs 2nd person plural PRESENT (-ís); vuestro (now in plural forms vuestros and vuestras)
Term 3.2 Resources
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Original v1, NCELP Resource Google Slides
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Year 9 Term 3.2 Week 1
Context, communication, and culture: Amigos, Spending time with old and new friends
Key ideas and grammar: Using GUSTAR-type verbs to express opinions and points of view (revisited), personal 'a'; gustar-type verbs (including two-verb constructions); object vs subject-first word order; direct &indirect pronouns
Year 9 Term 3.2 Week 2
Context, communication, and culture: Amigos, Talking about traits and states / Finding out where people are from
Key ideas and grammar: Using SER (traits) ESTAR (states) + adjectives to share personal information (revisited), prenominal adjectives; ser vs estar; adjective-noun gender and number agreement
Year 9 Term 3.2 Week 3
Context, communication, and culture: Amigos, A trip to a theme park / Asking questions at a market
Key ideas and grammar: Using ese/este to identify things , demonstrative adjectives ese, esa, esos, esas; este, esta adjective-noun gender agreement
Year 9 Term 3.2 Week 4
Context, communication, and culture: Amigos, Describing a crime film
Key ideas and grammar: Using possessive adjectives mío, tuyo, suyo to claim possession, demonstrative adjectives este/esta/ese/esa; es; possessive adjectives (mío/a, tuyo/a, suyo/a) (not in plural and not as pronoun); contrast with possessives mi/tu/su; noun-adjective gender agreement
Year 9 Term 3.2 Week 5
Context, communication, and culture: Gente inspiradora, Talking about life experiences of inspiring people
Key ideas and grammar: Talking about past events, irregular verbs in 1st and 2nd person preterite (fui, fuiste, hice, hiciste, tuve, tuviste); regular -ar/-er/-ir verbs 1st and 2nd person preterite (-é, -aste, -í, -iste); question words
Year 9 Term 3.2 Week 6
Context, communication, and culture: Gente inspiradora, Extended reading, Diana Trujillo: Hispanic space engineer
Key ideas and grammar: Talking about past events, Text exploitation #3 - Diana Trujillo - LESSON 1 irregular 3rd person preterite (fue, hizo, tuvo); regular 3rd person singular preterite (-ó, -ió); direct object pronouns lo, la; LESSON 2: 3rd person plural present (-en, -an) and preterite (-aron, -ieron)
Year 9 Term 3.2 Week 7
Context, communication, and culture: Planes para las vacaciones,
Key ideas and grammar: Talking about past, present and future events, Lesson 1 regular -ar/-er/-ir verbs 1st person plural in present (-amos, -emos, -imos) and past (-amos, -imos); direct object pronouns los, las; Lesson 2 present simple for future; IR + infinitive for future intention (all persons, inc. vais); para + infinitive