LDP Directors
Emma Marsden
University of York
Rachel Hawkes
CAM Academy Trust
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Emma’s expertise is in second language teaching and learning, including several interconnected areas: the learning, teaching, and testing of vocabulary and grammar; how learners process what they hear and read; the roles of different types of knowledge; and motivation and attitudes to language learning.
Emma works to improve access to research, engaging with teachers, teacher educators, and policy-makers to increase awareness of and involvement in research. She has taught French, Spanish, and English as foreign languages, including as head of Spanish in a comprehensive 11-18 state school in Derby.
From 2018-2023, Emma was Director of the National Centre for Excellence for Language Pedagogy. Her publications can be found here and more about her work here.
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Rachel is an influential and renowned speaker as well as past President of the Association for Language Learning (ALL), previous Head of Modern Languages, AST and SLE. Co-author of several textbooks, Rachel has both MEd and PhD from Cambridge University, focusing on teacher and learner interaction in the secondary languages classroom.
From 2018-2023, Rachel was Co-Director of NCELP, the National Centre for Excellence for Language Pedagogy, before returning to her role as Director of Languages and International Education for The Cam Academy Trust.
In February 2025, Oak National Academy released primary and secondary resources for French, German and Spanish created by Dr Rachel Hawkes and her team of teachers and resource developers.
LDP Team
Louise Caruso
LDP Project Manager
Mel Yates
Course Leader
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Louise has over ten years of experience teaching French, Spanish and Italian up to A-level in secondary schools. This, together with her MFL examiner and assessment writer experience at AQA, enabled her to make a significant contribution to the NCELP project and the LDP resource portal. She has enjoyed the opportunity to share her knowledge and expertise in resource creation with MFL teachers at CPD events.
From January 2025, Louise will begin work on her PhD project, looking at motivation amongst secondary school learners of foreign languages from socially disadvantaged backgrounds.
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Mel is a teacher of French and German and Head of the MFL Faculty in a comprehensive school in Hertfordshire. This is a large department in a state secondary school where French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish are taught to all abilities.
She was a Specialist Teacher and Course Leader with NCELP throughout the national programme working with Hub Schools, delivering CPD nationally online and in person exploring LDP pedagogy and developing resources.
Mel is passionate about improving Teaching and Learning in MFL and enjoys exploring relevant MFL research alongside delivering CPD and working with her own MFL department to implement best practice.
Joanna Cairns
Course Leader
Emma Fletcher
Course Leader
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Joanna is an Assistant Headteacher at a comprehensive school near Preston in the North West of England. She is a teacher of French and Spanish and was previously Head of the MFL and Advanced Skills Teacher.
She was a Specialist Teacher and Course Leader with NCELP throughout the national programme working with Hub Schools, delivering CPD nationally online and in person exploring LDP pedagogy and developing resources.
Joanna is passionate about improving Teaching and Learning in MFL and also has a keen interest in Reading across the curriculum, leading on whole school Reading strategy and intervention in her current role.
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Emma is a teacher of French, German and Spanish in a large comprehensive on the south coast.
She was a Specialist Teacher and Course leader for NCELP and thoroughly enjoyed working with MFL departments in Hub schools exploring LDP pedagogy and developing resources as well as delivering online CPD nationally.
Currently she is a teaching and research coach in her school, mentoring ECTs and contributing to whole school CPD programmes.
Victoria Hobson
Course Leader
Jenny Hopper
Course Leader
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Victoria is a highly experienced MFL teacher and SENCo. Over the course of her career she has held positions of leadership at subject, departmental, whole school and Local Authority level, and as a Specialist Leader of Education for MFL, SEND and Pupil Premium.
Whether as a class teacher or a leader, developing and enabling others is the aspect of Victoria’s professional practice which motivates her the most.
She is also highly committed to her own professional development and as such holds a Masters in Special Educational Needs, from the University of Leeds.
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Jenny possesses a wealth of MFL teaching and leadership experience.
She has taught German, French and Spanish for 21 years, and has successfully led a high performing MFL department for 12 years. As an associate Assistant Head she has also led whole school projects on embedding formative assessment.
Through her roles as Teacher Training Coordinator and MFL Subject Tutor for SCITT-based ITT providers, as well as ECT facilitator, Jenny has enjoyed sharing her expertise with new entrants to the profession.
Jenny’s significant contributions to teaching were recognised in 2021 by the Goethe-Institut who honoured her with a lifetime achievement award as part of the German Teacher Awards.
Former NCELP Team Members and Collaborators
The resources on this website owe much to our resource creators, researchers, teachers, administrators, native speakers, illustrators, and technical team, including Dr. Inge Alferink, Nick Avery, Geraldine Bengsch, Mollie Bentley-Smith, Louise Bibbey, Sarah Blakeman, Dr. Giulia Bovolenta, Heather Bradley, Sarah Brichory, Wendy Burns, Adeline Charlton, Christophe Chennetier, Steve Clarke, Stephanie Cross, Emily Cutts, Mark Davies, Fred Dessard, Dr. Amber Dudley, Louise Earnshaw, Jessica Fairfax, Joe Fincham, Dr. Natalie Finlayson, Luisa Garcia, Elin Glaves, Prof. Suzanne Graham, Victoria Hobson, Amanda Izquierdo, Thomas Jochum-Critchley, Dr. Heike Krüsemann, Dr. Rowena Kasprowicz, Prof. René Koglbauer, Minna Lehtinen, Ann Mannion, Leigh McClelland, Cath Morris, Ciarán Morris, Charlotte Moss, Chloé Motard, Stephen Owen, Sebastian Pelucha, Olivia Pemberton, Juan Perez De Brea Herrera, Dr. Hilary Potter, Mary Richardson, Blanca Román, Catherine Salkeld, Steph Schmitt, David Shanks, Kirsten Somerville, Marianne Stellmacher-Sonksen, Helen Thomas, Janine Turner, Dr Peter Watson, Charlotte Webster, Stuart Williams, Andy Wood, Dr. Robert Woore.
We gratefully acknowledge the support and expertise of Dr. Amber Dudley in establishing this website!