Schemes of Work

Our Schemes of Work (SOWs) are proposed as illustrative examples of how language knowledge and practice can be sequenced and revisited systematically to support progression in the early stages of language development within a low-exposure foreign language setting. Further insights into the SOW are available in the Information about our Schemes of Work folder, or you can watch our Scheme of Work walkthroughs, available for French, German, and Spanish.

The SOWs are intended to support a solid foundation for GCSE content and examinations, which builds on the core grammar and vocabulary outlined in the DfE's programmes of study for Key Stages 2 and 3. Some of the principles underpinning the materials also broadly align with some of the key ideas expressed in Ofsted’s (the school inspectorate's) current aspirations for curriculum intent, implementation, and impact (e.g., Ofsted, 2021).

The Language Guides provide succinct grammar explanations, vocabulary lists, and a phonics guide to support students’ independent learning for each year. They include QR codes on each page to link to each week’s vocabulary learning on Quizlet.