Rationales and Research
LDP's work on various aspects of language learning and teaching aims to be evidence-based wherever possible. We also strive to be open about our sources and transparent about our decision-making. This collection brings together documents that lay out some of the rationales for our approaches to particular topics, such as phonics or vocabulary learning. The documents contain explanations, background information, as well as references to some of the research that informed our choices.
Grammar teaching: rationale_Principles for teaching grammar in a fore.pdf
NCELP Schemes of Work (KS3) Rationale and Principles_NCELP Schemes of Work KS3 Rationale and.pdf
Phonics rationale_Summary rationale for teaching phonics.pdf
Summaries of research related to meaningful practice_Summaries of research related to meaningf.pdf
Vocabulary lists: Rationales and Uses_Vocabulary lists rationale uses.pdf