Year 9 Spanish Term 1

Term 1.1 Resources

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Year 9 Term 1.1 Week 1

Context, communication, and culture: Mis vacaciones, Talking about past holidays, El País Vasco

Key ideas and grammar: Talking about past events (preterite), regular -ar verbs: 1st, 2nd, 3rd person singular PAST preterite (-é, -aste & -ó) subject pronouns yo, tú, él, ella; awareness raising of 'did' auxiliary

Year 9 Term 1.1 Week 2

Context, communication, and culture: Mis vacaciones, Describing events in the past / asking questions about past holidays

Key ideas and grammar: Talking about past events (preterite), regular -er/-ir verbs: 1st, 2nd, 3rd person singular PAST preterite (-í, iste & -ió); question words; negatives

Year 9 Term 1.1 Week 3

Context, communication, and culture: ¿Dónde están mis cosas? , Saying where belongings are, Mi rutina, Talking about routine

Key ideas and grammar: Talking about present events, possessive adjectives 'mi, mis' & 'tu', tus'; contrast with reflexive pronouns 'me', 'te'; está/están; present tense -ar verbs (-o, -as)

Year 9 Term 1.1 Week 4

Context, communication, and culture: México, Describing people, places and traditions in Mexico

Key ideas and grammar: Talking about present events, possessive adjectives 'su, sus' ; reflexive pronoun 'se'; es/son; adjective-noun number agreement

Year 9 Term 1.1 Week 5

Context, communication, and culture: Comer y beber, Talking about food and culture / Buying food at a market

Key ideas and grammar: Using object-first word order to refer to 'it' and 'them', object-first word order only; direct object 'lo', 'la', 'los', 'las'; present tense -ar verbs in singular persons (-o, -as, -a),

Year 9 Term 1.1 Week 6

Context, communication, and culture: Opiniones, Giving opinions about things / A school trip to a Spanish speaking city

Key ideas and grammar: Using object-first word order with GUSTAR-type verbs to give opinions, object-first word order only; gustar-type verbs; indirect object pronouns (me, te), present tense-ar verbs in 3rd person sing (-a) vs plural (-an)

Year 9 Term 1.1 Week 7

Context, communication, and culture: Cuidar a otras personas, Talking about looking after others

Key ideas and grammar: Using object-first word order with indirect object pronouns 'to/for him, her, them', (using personal 'a' to disambiguate); indirect object pronouns (le, les), -ar verbs in 3rd person sing (-a) vs plural (-an), including dar + noun (e.g. dar miedo)

Term 1.2 Resources

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Year 9 Term 1.2 Week 1

Context, communication, and culture: El deporte, Talking about sport and exercise, (Pelota Vasca)

Key ideas and grammar: Using 2nd person plural verbs to mean 'you' to two or more people informally, regular ar verbs 2nd person singular PRESENT (-as) vs 2nd person plural (-áis) - including estáis; present continuous -ando

Year 9 Term 1.2 Week 2

Context, communication, and culture: Una vida sana, Talking about health

Key ideas and grammar: Using 2nd person plural verbs to mean 'you' to two or more people informally, regular ar verbs 2nd person sinSER vs ESTAR; estáis vs sois; possessive adjective; vuestro/a (singular forms only); 2nd person plural (-áis) possessive 'tu'

Year 9 Term 1.2 Week 3

Context, communication, and culture: El fin de semana, A trip to the country, (Asturias)

Key ideas and grammar: Comparing how you and others feel, SER vs ESTAR soy/somos; estoy/estamos; regular and irregular comparative adjectives; adjective-noun number and gender agreement

Year 9 Term 1.2 Week 4

Context, communication, and culture: Actividades de fin de semana, Talking about what people do

Key ideas and grammar: Using simple present and present continuous to talk about present actions, Revision (to cover - Y8 just present continuous), including test practice

Year 9 Term 1.2 Week 5

Assessment week #1

Year 9 Term 1.2 Week 6

Context, communication, and culture: Cuando no hay colegio, Describing where people go and went

Key ideas and grammar: Using IR to talk about present and past actions, IR in singular persons for habitual PRESENT and PAST preterite - voy, vas, va; fui, fuiste, fue; al vs a la; adverbs with -mente

Year 9 Term 1.2 Week 7

Context, communication, and culture: Cuando no hay colegio, Talking about Christmas traditions

Key ideas and grammar: Using IR to talk about present and future actions, IR in plural persons for habitual PRESENT and future intention - vamos, vais, van; ir a + infinitive; para + infinitive