Year 10 Spanish Term 1
Term 1.1 Resources
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Year 10 Term 1.1 Week 1
Context: Exploring - A trip to Valencia
New grammar feature: alguno as indefinite adjective(irregular form algún; regular forms alguna/os/as)
Revisited grammar features: regular -ar verbs: 1st, 2nd, 3rd person singular PAST preterite (-é, -aste & -ó); yes-no questions with raised intonation; awareness raising of 'did' auxiliary; subject pronouns yo, tú, él, ella; (H) 1st person singular c>qu spelling change (e.g. sacar); (H) 1st person singular z>c spelling change (e.g. empezar; (H) 1st person singular g>gu spelling change (e.g. llegar); prenominal adjectives e.g. buen, gran, mal; Default omission of subject pronouns; Contexts where overt use (of subject pronouns) is appropriate i.e. change of subject and emphasis
Year 10 Term 1.1 Week 2
Context: Global matters; Experiences of young refugees/migrants
New grammar feature: addition of 'y' in 3rd person singular forms of verbs in the preterite (e.g. leer -> leyó)(H); syntax of prepositions in questions
Revisited grammar features: regular verbs in 3rd person singular vs plural PAST preterite (-ó, -aron); yes-no Qs with raised intonation; awareness raising of 'did' auxiliary; subject pronouns él, ella, ellos, ellas; possessive adjectives su vs sus (with meaning 'his', 'her', 'its'); possessive adjectives: vuestro/vuestra/vuestros/vuestras
Year 10 Term 1.1 Week 3
Context: Everyday living - Family, friends and relationships. Organising a surprise party incl. house chores to prepare the party
New grammar feature: word order of direct object pronouns in two verb constructions (e.g. quiere llamarlo); object-first word order only; direct object 'lo', 'la', 'los', 'las'; present tense -er/-ir verbs in 1st, 2nd, 3rd person singular (-o, -es, -e); direct object pronouns in one verb constructions (e.g. los llama); modals querer, poder, deber, tener que, sé + infinitive; Definite articles 'el' and 'la'
Definite articles 'los' and 'las'; verbs like conocer (c>zc) (1st person singular); adjective agreement
number agreement; Position of adjectives in relation to the nouns they refer to: mostly after nouns; prenominal adjectives (e.g. primer, segundo); position of adjectives and change of meaning (e.g. único)
Year 10 Term 1.1 Week 4
Context: Everyday living - School / Staying healthy
New grammar feature: word order of indirect object pronouns (me, te, le) in two verb constructions (e.g. quiere llamarme); indirect object pronouns 'nos' and 'os'
Revisited grammar features: indirect object pronouns 'me', 'te', 'le', 'les' in one-verb constructions (e.g. me escriben); present tense -er/-ir verbs in 3rd person singular and plural (-e, -en); present '-ER' verbs (1st, 2nd and 3rd person plural); hacer (1st, 2nd and 3rd person plural); syntax of interesar-like verbs (object vs subject-first word order); word order of direct and indirect object pronouns; verbs like pedir (e>i) (1st, 2nd and 3rd person singular and plural)
Year 10 Term 1.1 Week 5
Context: Exploring - Customs and festivals -La Tomatina
New grammar feature: affirmative imperative 2nd person singular -ar verbs (-a)
affirmative imperative 2nd person singular -er & -ir verbs (-e)
Revisited grammar features: SER vs ESTAR in present tense, all persons (focus on está/están); possessive adjectives 'mi, mis' & 'tu, tus'; 'mi' vs 'me' (as reflexive), 'tu' vs 'te' (as reflexive); está/están; present tense -ar 1st and 2nd person singular verbs (-o, -as); Formation of plural nouns Rule 1: ending in vowel add -s; Formation of plural nouns Rule 3: ending in z, change z to c add -es; present indicative with both simple (I walk) and ongoing (I am walking functions)
Year 10 Term 1.1 Week 6
Context: Exploring - Customs and festivals. Telling somebody where you are and what you are doing
New grammar feature: spelling changes for present participle of verbs whose stems end in a vowel (leer, construir) and for verbs in the pedir cluster
Revisited grammar features: ESTAR in present tense, all persons; position of adverbs of place with del and de la; present tense -ar 1st and 2nd person singular verbs (-o, -as); estar + present participle of -ar & -er / -ir verbs (1st, 2nd and 3rd person singular)
Year 10 Term 1.1 Week 7
Context: Exploring - Famous lives, historical stories. Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem
New grammar feature: Possessive adjective 'su' with meaning 'their'
Revisited grammar features: regular verbs in 3rd person singular vs plural PAST preterite (-ó, -aron); yes-no Qs with raised intonation; awareness raising of 'did' auxiliary; subject pronouns él, ella, ellos, ellas; possessive adjectives su vs sus (with meaning 'his', 'her', 'its'); possessive adjectives: vuestro/vuestra/vuestros/vuestras