Year 9 German Term 2

Term 2.1 Resources

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Year 9 Term 2.1 Week 1

Context, communication, and culture: Ideen für das neue Jahr, Making New Year's resolutions, Chinese New Year in Germany

Key ideas: Giving reasons using 2-verb structures (WO3)

Grammar: Future tense: plural forms werden + infinitive; vorhaben, planen, zu + infinitive including separable and reflexive verbs in the infinitive; WO3 with two-verb structures (future/modals)

Year 9 Term 2.1 Week 2

Context, communication, and culture: Bei der Familie, neighbours, word games, part-time jobs

Key ideas: Defining and describing people and things

Grammar: Relative clauses (defining) - R1 (nominative), indefinite pronouns jemand, niemand (R1,2), WO3 with single verb structures

Year 9 Term 2.1 Week 3

Context, communication, and culture: Bei der Familie, A murder mystery gaame, (Kulturspot: Tatort)

Key ideas: Talking about particular characteristics

Grammar: Relative clauses (non-defining); adjective endings after indefinite articles (R1,2,3)

Year 9 Term 2.1 Week 4

Context, communication, and culture: Berühmte Leute und ihre Sprachen, Famous people and their languages, (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, David J. Peterson, Johann Sebastian Bach, Konrad Duden, Cornelia Funke)


Key ideas and grammar: Narrating past lives and epxeriences, Perfect tense with sein - change of state verbs and exceptions; formation of past participles of separable verbs; years, dates

Year 9 Term 2.1 Week 5

Context, communication, and culture: die Kindheit, Talking about childhood experiences (Rolf Zuckowski, Zahnmaus, Monate zählen)

Interactions: Writing about childhood

Key ideas: Narrating past lives and experiences

Grammar: Imperfect modal verbs - 1st, 2nd, 3rd persons singular (wollte(st), musste(st), konnte(st)); imperfect plural forms of haben and sein (hatten, hattet, wart, waren), es gab; formation of past participles of separable verbs

Year 9 Term 2.1 Week 6

Context, communication, and culture: Migration, Comparing how things are with how they were, 21,2 Millionen Menschen in Deutschland haben Migrationshintergrund

Key ideas: Narrating past lives and experiences

Grammar: Imperfect modal verbs - 1st, 2nd, 3rd persons singular; imperfect plural forms of haben and sein, es gab, WO3 with two-verb structures (imperfect modals); compound nouns

Term 2.2 Resources

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Year 9 Term 2.2 Week 1

Context, communication, and culture: Migration, Understanding an authentic text: Seiltanz (Adel Karasholi)

Key ideas: Narrating past lives and experiences

Grammar: perfect tense (questions); WO1, 2, 3 conjunctions; compound nouns; welch- R3 (dative); perfect (past) tense questions

Year 9 Term 2.2 Week 2

Context, communication, and culture: Hoffnungen und Ziele, Things you like and would like, (Franz Marc)

Key ideas: Talking about what you like and would like

Grammar: möchte + singular noun (R2) vs mag + plural noun (R2; plural noun rules 1-6; numbers 1-100,000.000.000; möchte + infinitive vs. mag + nominalised verb; omission of articles with professions

Year 9 Term 2.2 Week 3

Context, communication, and culture: Reiseziele, Places you like and prefer, (Lübeck, Potsdam, Frankreich, Polen, Glasgow)

Interactions: Describing a photo

Key ideas: Talking about what you like and prefer

Grammar: Present + adverbs, including gern, lieber and other comparative adverbs; present tense of verbs + indirect object; questions

Year 9 Term 2.2 Week 4

Context, communication, and culture: Notfälle, Volunteering; responding to emergencies, (das Rote Kreuz)

Interactions: Describing a photo

Key ideas: Saying what you liked (past perfect)

Grammar: Past (perfect) + past participle formation; WO3 with 2-verb structures

Year 9 Term 2.2 Week 5

Revision / Assessment week