Year 8 German Term 1
Term 1.1 Resources
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Year 8 Term 1.1 Week 1
Context, communication, and culture: Diesen Sommer, Holidays, Comparing usual and recent summer experiences, der Bodensee
Key ideas: Contrasting present and past [1]
Grammar: Present vs Past (perfect-weak verbs) 1st person singular; , Preposition 'in' +R3+indefinite article
Year 8 Term 1.1 Week 2
Context, communication, and culture: Was hast du erlebt?, Holidays, Talking about your own and someone else's experiences
Key ideas: Contrasting actions in the past [1]
Grammar: Past (perfect + haben) 1st person singular vs 3rd person singular (weak and some strong); Past (perfect + haben) 1st person singular vs 2nd person singular (weak and some strong), fronted time adverbials (past & present), word order 2
Year 8 Term 1.1 Week 3
Context, communication, and culture: Austausch, Exchange, Staying with a family in Germany , Formal address
Key ideas: Using formal and informal address
Grammar: HABEN vs SEIN present (ich, du, er/sie/es, wir, sie (they)), include idioms Lust/Hunger haben; Present tense: Sie (you, formal) vs du; infinitive clauses with 'zu'
Year 8 Term 1.1 Week 4
Context, communication, and culture: Austausch , Exchange, Asking the meaning of unknown words
Key ideas: Knowing about nouns (revisit), Alphabet
Grammar: wie sagt man das? wie schreibt man das? nouns - gender, def. & indef articles, R1 (nominative), R2 (accusative), kein
Year 8 Term 1.1 Week 5
Context, communication, and culture: Wie bin ich?, Identity, Vergnügungen - Bertolt Brecht, Things I like and things that make me happy
Key ideas and grammar: Using adjectives before nouns
Grammar: Pre-nominal adjectival agreement [1] - definite and indefinite articles R1 (nominative)
Year 8 Term 1.1 Week 6
Context, communication, and culture: Wie bin ich?, Identity, Describing physical appearance
Key ideas: Using adjectives before nouns
Grammar: Pre-nominal adjectival agreement (stage 1) - indefinite article R2 (accusative) e.g. Er hat eine lange Nase. als meaning 'as' eg. Als Person ist er/sie…, Noun rule: Female person nouns add -in to masculine form (e.g. Schüler(in)
Year 8 Term 1.1 Week 7
Context, communication, and culture: Wie bin ich?, Identity, Explaining likes and dislikes, der ICE (Intercity Express)
Key ideas: Using word order 3 (to give reasons)
Grammar: Word order 3 - conjunctions weil vs denn; MÖGEN / ich mag / du magst
Term 1.2 Resources
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Year 8 Term 1.2 Week 1
Context, communication, and culture: Berlin, Berlin in numbers
Key ideas: Using numbers 32-100|Referring to 'it', 'them' 'me', 'you'
Grammar: Present tense (strong verbs) (ich, du, er/sie/es, wir, sie (they) Sie (you)); direct object pronouns (ihn, sie, es, mich, dich); nicht vs nichts; numbers 1-31, 32-100
Year 8 Term 1.2 Week 2
Context, communication, and culture: Berlin, Contrasting present and past actions
Key ideas: Contrasting present and past [2]
Grammar: Present vs Past (perfect-weak & strong verbs) 1st person singular & plural; fronted time adverbials (past & present), word order 2 ; Preposition 'von' + R3 (dative) + definite article
Year 8 Term 1.2 Week 3
Context, communication, and culture: Ich bin gereist!, Journeys in the past, (Krakow, Polen)
Key ideas: Contrasting actions in the past [2]
Grammar: Past (perfect) haben vs sein 1st person singular; preposition mit + R3 (Dative); Word order (Manner before Place)
Year 8 Term 1.2 Week 4
Context, communication, and culture: Sommerreisen, Talking about your and other people's recent journeys , (Klassenfahrt zum Schwarzwald)
Key ideas: Contrasting actions in the past [2]
Grammar: Past (perfect - haben & sein) 1st person singular vs 3rd person singular; 1st person singular vs 2nd person singular; preposition durch + R2(acc)
Year 8 Term 1.2 Week 5
Context, communication, and culture: Activities you like doing, Talking about how you do things and how well you enjoy them
Key ideas: Talking about how, how well you do things and how well you enjoy them
Grammar: Present tense 1st, 2nd, 3rd person singular + adverb gern(plus others-gut, schnell); negation-nicht
Year 8 Term 1.2 Week 6
Context, communication, and culture: Wien, Talking about what, when and how you do things, der Wurstelprater, Wien
Key ideas: Talking about what, when and how you do things
Grammar: Consolidation: present tense all persons except 2nd person plural + gern (include question & answer, negation, WO2 in practice)
Year 8 Term 1.2 Week 7
Context, communication, and culture: Opa wird 70!, Preparing for a party, (Kulturspot: das internationale Ballonfestival in der Schweiz)
Key ideas: Using present tense separable verbs
Grammar: Present tense separable verbs 1st, 2nd, 3rd person singular; three verbs 'to put' (stellen, setzen, legen) + R2 (accusative), contrast with (stehen, sitzen, liegen) + R3 (dative); use of conjunctions während (WO3) and denn (WO1)