Year 8 German Term 2

Term 2.1 Resources

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Year 8 Term 2.1 Week 1

Context, communication, and culture: Familie und Freunde, Talking about exchanging gifts

Key ideas: Talking about giving (using verbs with indirect objects)

Grammar: Verbs with indirect objects; Preposition für + R2 (Accusative); Preposition von +R3 (Dative); possessives mein/dein/sein/ihr + R2 (Acc.) & +R3 (Dat.)

Year 8 Term 2.1 Week 2

Context, communication, and culture: Familie und Freunde, Saying what we think about things

Key ideas: Giving reactions and opinions (using verbs with indirect objects)

Grammar: Verbs with indirect objects (2); Conjunction dass + WO3 vs no conjunction +WO1 (verbs of opinion denken, glauben, meinen); weil + WO3

Year 8 Term 2.1 Week 3

Context, communication, and culture: Neue Erfahrungen, New experiences, Talking about what you and others did (new school, part-time job, destination Salzburg)

Key ideas: Talking about actions and events in the past

Grammar: Revisit past (perfect) tense (all singular and 1st person plural persons), haben & sein, weak & strong

Year 8 Term 2.1 Week 4

Revision / Assessment week

Year 8 Term 2.1 Week 5

Context, communication, and culture: Jetzt oder früher, Now and then, Comparing places and people now and then, (Österreich (Innsbruck, Wien, Salzburg, Schweiz, Deutschland (Bad Hersfeld))

Key ideas: Comparing now and then

Grammar: Imperfect (1st & 3rd person singular - war, hatte, & es gab only) & früher vs present; Pre-nominal adjectival agreement - indefinite article R1 (nominative) & R2 (accusative)

Year 8 Term 2.1 Week 6

Context, communication, and culture: Jetzt oder früher, Now and then, How things are and how they were, Saying what you did and what you used to do, (Kulturspot: Deutschland - Statistik)

Key ideas: Comparing now and then

Grammar: Comparative adjectives; als meaning 'than'; Present vs Past (perfect-weak & strong verbs) 1st person singular & plural; fronted time adverbials (past & present), word order 2

Term 2.2 Resources

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Year 8 Term 2.2 Week 1

Context, communication, and culture: Jetzt oder früher, Now and then, How it is and how it used to be, (Früher - Wise Guys)

Key ideas: Comparing now and then

Grammar: Text: Früher [revisits imperfect and comparatives];plural nouns Rule 5 +-s

Year 8 Term 2.2 Week 2

Context, communication, and culture: Was machen wir gern?, Talking about everyday life experiences

Key ideas: Talking about what we do and like doing (using separable verbs)

Grammar: Present tense separable verbs 1st, 2nd, 3rd person singular and 1st and 3rd persons plural; + adverb gern(plus others-gut, schnell)

Year 8 Term 2.2 Week 3

Context, communication, and culture: Was machen wir lieber?, Talking about what you and others prefer to do

Key ideas: Talking about what we prefer doing

Grammar: Present tense (all persons, except 2nd person plural); gern vs lieber; statt + zu + infinitive clauses; revisit weil vs denn

Year 8 Term 2.2 Week 4

Context, communication, and culture: Letztes Jahr oder dieses Jahr?, Comparing school experiences, Schule in Deutschland

Key ideas: Contrasting past and current actions

Grammar: Possessive adjectives unser, ihr; Pronouns uns, ihnen; Present vs Past (perfect) all persons, (except 2nd person plural)

Year 8 Term 2.2 Week 5

Context, communication, and culture: Letztes Jahr oder dieses Jahr (noch)?, Talking about what you do, since when and how long for

IKey ideas: Contrasting past and current actions

Grammar: Preposition seit + present tense but past meaning, vs vor (ago) + past (perfect tense)