Year 7 German Term 1
Term 1.1 Resources
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Original v1, NCELP Resource Google Slides
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Year 7 Term 1.1 Week 1
Context, communication, and culture: In the classroom, Greetings, Locating people & things: Where is …?
Key ideas: Naming and locating things
Grammar: Definite articles (singular) der, die, das - Row 1 (nominative); SEIN / ist; capital letters for nouns,
Year 7 Term 1.1 Week 2
Context, communication, and culture: In the classroom, Identifying things: What is it?
Key ideas: Naming and locating things
Grammar: Definite articles (singular) der, die, das
Year 7 Term 1.1 Week 3
Context, communication, and culture: Describing attributes: What is it like?
Key ideas: Describing things
Grammar: Indefinite articles (singular) ein, eine, ein - Row 1 (nominative); SEIN / ich bin / ist;, definite articles
Year 7 Term 1.1 Week 4
Context, communication, and culture: Describing things:, What is it (not) and what is it (not) like?
Key ideas: Describing things
Grammar: Negation: nicht + adjective; kein + nouns (Row 1-Nominative) , SEIN - ich bin / du bist, WISSEN / weiß, Alphabet
Year 7 Term 1.1 Week 5
Context, communication, and culture: Belongings:, Who has what?
Key ideas and grammar: Talking about having
Grammar: Definite articles (singular) - Row 2 (accusative); HABEN er/sie hat;, definite articles (singular) Row 1 (nominative)
Year 7 Term 1.1 Week 6
Context, communication, and culture: Belongings: I have 'the' (only) or 'a' (one of many):
Key ideas: Talking about having
Grammar: Indefinite articles (singular) - Row 2 (accusative); , HABEN ich habe / du hast / hat;, indefinite articles (singular) Row 1 (nominative); , SEIN / ich bin / du bist / ist
Year 7 Term 1.1 Week 7
Context, communication, and culture: Asking and answering questions about having
Key ideas: Talking about having
Grammar: HABEN / ich habe / du hast; VSO questions; , negation with kein + nouns R2 (accusative); mein/meine/mein R1 (nominative)
Term 1.2 Resources
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Original v1, NCELP Resource Google Slides
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Year 7 Term 1.2 Week 1
Context, communication, and culture: Who does what?, What someone else does in school
Key ideas: Talking about doing
Grammar: Present tense weak verbs: Long (infinitive) and short (3rd person singular) forms of several high-frequency weak verbs
Year 7 Term 1.2 Week 2
Context, communication, and culture: What you do and what someone else does , in school and at home
Key ideas: Talking about doing
Grammar; Present tense weak verbs: 1st person singular vs, 3rd person singular; , subject pronouns er/sie meaning 'he', 'she';
Year 7 Term 1.2 Week 3
Context, communication, and culture: Asking and answering questions about activities at home
Key ideas: Asking about doing
Grammar: Present tense weak verbs: 1st person singular vs 2nd person singular; , VSO questions plus question words wo, was, wer, wie; adverb position - verb + nicht, oft, kaum, nie
Year 7 Term 1.2 Week 4
Context, communication, and culture: Who does what?, Manipulating infinitive verbs
Key ideas: Asking about doing
Grammar: Present tense weak verbs: 1st, 2nd, 3rd persons singular ZEIGEN / zeigt, VSO questions plus question words wo, was, wer, wie;
Year 7 Term 1.2 Week 5
Context, communication, and culture: Narrating with nouns - using gender and words for 'the' correctly
Key ideas: Using nouns
Grammar: articles and present tense to narrate actions, Definite articles - singular
Year 7 Term 1.2 Week 6
Context, communication, and culture: Christmas, Number: is there one or are there many?, Weihnachtslieder,
Key ideas: Talking about more than one thing
Grammar: Plurals - der/das , Rule 1] - umlaut + e, Rule 2] -el/-en/-er NO CHANGE, plural article = 'die' , [Text: O Tannenbaum]
Year 7 Term 1.2 Week 7
Context, communication, and culture: Christmas, Talking about presents you wish for, St.Nikolaus, das Christkind
Key ideas: Talking about about more than one thing
Grammar: SEIN ist / sind;, Plurals Rule 3] - die --> +(e)n, Plural article = 'die', Plurals - der - umlaut + e, -el/-en/-er NO CHANGE