Year 10 German Term 1

Term 1.1 Resources

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Year 10 Term 1.1 Week 1

Context: Nationality, where you live, languages you speak, sexuality [Identity]

New grammar feature: Nationality nouns (Deutsche, Engländer); Add –(e)n to pluralise some masculine people nouns and weak masculine nouns. (H)

Revisited grammar features:Capital letters; feminine nouns (-in), plural rule 5 (-innen); definite & indefinite articles R1 (nom.);

Present tense weak verbs with simple (I do) and ongoing (I am doing) functions; irregular verb SEIN (all persons); VS (yes/no) questions; seit (H), add -n to dative plural nouns (H); plural adjectival nouns (H) e.g., die Reichen; Gendersternchen and gender neutral language; Nouns without plurals (countries)

Year 10 Term 1.1 Week 2

Context: Focus on Germany[Identity]

Revisited grammar features: Plural rules 1-3; WH-questions; WO2; Numbers

Year 10 Term 1.1 Week 3

Context: Learning a new language[Identity]

Revisited grammar features: Plural rules 4-6; compound nouns; Word patterns 1 & 2 Haupt-; Lieblings-; Definite & indefinite articles R2 (acc.); Present tense weak verbs; irregular verb HABEN; Negation: nicht + adjective/adverb, definite article, possessive adjectives, proper nouns; kein + indefinite article

Year 10 Term 1.1 Week 4

Context: Learning a new language[Identity]

New grammar feature: Plural noun rules 7-9; (-se, (e)n, e+umlaut); Irregular verb WISSEN (vs kennen vs können); Adjectives that are identical as adverbs

Revisited grammar features: Present tense strong verbs: e➜ i, e➜ ie; Present tense strong verbs: a➜ ä; WO1 vs WO3 (denn, weil, dass, wenn, falls (H), ob (H); Nominalisation of infinitive verbs

Year 10 Term 1.1 Week 5

Context: Stereotypes [Identity]

New grammar feature: es gibt vs da ist/sind jemanden, niemanden

Revisited grammar features: Es gibt; Pronouns man, jemand, niemand; Subject pronouns 'it' and 'they' (R1, nom.) er, sie, es, sie; Relative clauses (R1, nom.); relative pronouns der, die, das, die; WO3; Historic/narrative present

Year 10 Term 1.1 Week 6

Context: Identity issues [Identity]

New grammar feature: Simple past weak and strong (plural) (H); Perfect tense irregular past participles; 

Revisited grammar features: Perfect tense weak verbs (+HABEN) with meaning 'did' and 'have done'; Simple past (HABEN, SEIN, es gab) as single verb option for past; Simple past weak verbs (singular) (H); simple past strong verbs (singular) (H)

Year 10 Term 1.1 Week 7

Context: Role models [Identity]

New grammar feature: Simple past VS (yes/no) questions (H)

Revisited grammar features: Perfect tense -ieren verbs; Perfect tense VS (yes/no) questions; Use of perfect tense with adverbs nie, schon, noch nicht, schon (ein)mal; Word pattern 6: add suffix -er to a verb stem (-en verbs) to change into male agent nouns with equivalent and transparent meaning