Year 9 French Term 2

Term 2.1 Resources

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Year 9 Term 2.1 Week 1

Context, communication, and culture: Des événements passés, La Révolution française

Key ideas: Talking about past events that (have) happened

Grammar: present vs perfect (with past simple and present perfect equivalent in English) (all persons), past participle formation: -ER verbs, verbs like prendre, dit, fait, bu, eu, intonation (SV) and est-ce que questions with and without question words (perfect), adverb positioning (present and perfect), negation (ne…pas and ne...jamais) (perfect)

Year 9 Term 2.1 Week 2

Context, communication, and culture: Des événements passés

Key ideas: Talking about past events that (have) happened using verbs with être

Grammar: perfect (with past simple and present perfect equivalent in English) (all persons), -ER verbs taking être vs avoir, (je, tu, il/elle/on) (perfect)

Year 9 Term 2.1 Week 3

Context, communication, and culture: Des événements passés, Accidents and emergencies, La Carte Vitale, Le SAMU

Key ideas: Talking about past events that (have) happened using verbs with être

Grammar: present vs perfect (with past simple and present perfect equivalent in English) (all persons), -ER verbs taking être vs avoir, (je, tu, il/elle/on, nous, vous, ils/elles) (perfect), use of definite article with body parts, adverb placement (perfect), register: tu vs vous, on vs nous

Year 9 Term 2.1 Week 4

Context, communication, and culture: Des événements passés, Extended reading, J'ai cherché (Chanson d'Eurovision)

Interactions: Creative writing - song verse

Key ideas: Talking about past events that (have) happened, Text exploitation 2:, J'ai cherché

Year 9 Term 2.1 Week 5

Context, communication, and culture: Talking about what you do in your free time

Key ideas: Talking about present actions (revisited)

Grammar: contraction of definite article after à and de, verbs with à and de before a noun, verbs like entendre and écrire , (je, tu, il/elle/on, nous, vous, ils/elles), use of relative pronoun qui in subject relative clauses

Year 9 Term 2.1 Week 6

Context, communication, and culture: Des événements passés, un crime

Key ideas: Talking about past events that (have) happened

Grammar: use of emphatic pronouns moi and toi after prepositions, verbs with à and de before a noun

Term 2.2 Resources

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Year 9 Term 2.2 Week 1

Context, communication, and culture: Le système scolaire en France, Describing how things are and how they used to be

Key ideas: Talking about what and how things used to be

Grammar: -ER verbs in the imperfect tense, (habitual events with 'used to' equivalent in English) , (je, il/elle/on), ordinal numbers created by (removing -e and) adding -ième

Year 9 Term 2.2 Week 2

Context, communication, and culture: Des souvenirs d'enfance, Describing how things are now and how they used to be

Key ideas: Talking about what and how things used to be

Grammar: verbs like prendre, venir, sortir, entendre, lire, choisir and écrire in the imperfect tense vs present tense (habitual events with 'used to' and present continuous equivalent in English), (je, il/elle/on)

Year 9 Term 2.2 Week 3

Context, communication, and culture: Gender identity and expression: Drag montréalaise, Talking about what happened once vs all the time

Key ideas: Talking about 'one off' anad habitual events

Grammar: regular verbs (all) in the imperfect tense vs present tense (habitual events with 'used to' and present continuous equivalent in English), (je, tu, il/elle/on), regular verbs (all) in the imperfect vs perfect tense (habitual events with 'used to' equivalent in English vs specific past events), (je,tu, il/elle/on), gender-neutral pronouns, intonation questions (imperfect)

Year 9 Term 2.2 Week 4

Context, communication, and culture: Talking about what people did and what they used to do, Spring holidays, Celebrities - Edith Piaf, Céline Dion

Key ideas: Talking about 'one off' anad habitual events; revision of grammar from terms 9.2.1 and 9.2.2 for assessment

Grammar: ne…jamais (perfect); -ER verbs taking être in the perfect tense; feminine and plural past participle agreement; emphatic pronouns moi and toi after prepositions; relative pronoun qui with subordinate clauses; -ER verbs in the imperfect (used to); verbs like prendre, venir, sortir, entendre, lire, écrire and choisir in the imperfect tense vs present tense; -ER verbs imperfect vs perfect (used to vs specific event)

Year 9 Term 2.2 Week 5

Assessment week