Year 9 French Term 1
Term 1.1 Resources
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Year 9 Term 1.1 Week 1
Context, communication, and culture: Identité, Describing self and others, French-speaking singers/bands, Gender-neutral pronouns
Key ideas: Talking about present events
Grammar: être (present) (all persons), negation: ne…pas (single-verb structures), adjective agreement , (gender patterns 1-3, 4 and 5; number patterns 1, 2 and 3) as complement to verb only, gender-neutral pronouns
Year 9 Term 1.1 Week 2
Context, communication, and culture: Des événements culturels , Le festival de Dieppe
Interactions: A festival experience (writing - present)
Key ideas: Talking about present events
Grammar: -ER verbs (present) (all persons), pour and sans + infinitive, single-verb structures: intonation (SV) and est-ce que questions with and without question words, on with impersonal meaning 'people, you, one'
Year 9 Term 1.1 Week 3
Context, communication, and culture: L'avenir, Motivations and goals, Sur le pont d'Avignon (phonics)Taïs Vinolo (une jeune ballerine noire) , Eduardo Camavinga
Interactions: Answering questions about future plans (speaking and writing)
Key ideas: Talking about future intentions
Grammar: two-verb structures: intonation (SV) and est-ce que questions with and without question words, adverb positioning, negation: ne…pas, aller (all persons), aller + infinitive (future intention) (all persons), modal verbs (present) (je, tu, il/elle)
Year 9 Term 1.1 Week 4
Context, communication, and culture: On fait un stage !, Following instructions on work experience [1]
Interactions: Asking and answering questions about work experience, Translation into French
Key ideas: Talking about what you can, have to, want to do
Grammar: modal verbs (present), (je, tu, il/elle,nous, vous, ils/elles), inversion (VS) questions with questions words (two-verb structures), negation (two-verb structures)
Year 9 Term 1.1 Week 5
Context, communication, and culture: On fait un stage !, Following instructions on work experience [2]
Interactions: Speaking about the expectations on work experience, Job interview
Key ideas: Talking about what you can, have to, want to do
Grammar: modal verbs (present), (je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles) , il faut/il ne faut pas + infinitive, feminine adjective agreement rule 6: -f ➜ -ve
Year 9 Term 1.1 Week 6
Context, communication, and culture: Quoi ? Où ? Qui ?, Talking about what, where and who you know
Key ideas: Talking about present events
Grammar: connaître (present), (je, tu, il/elle), use of à meaning 'to' and 'in' with masculine countries, use of à and en meaning 'to' with cities and feminine countries
Year 9 Term 1.1 Week 7
Context, communication, and culture: Le Canada, Things that always, sometimes and never happen,
Interactions: Factfile about Canada (writing)
Key ideas: Talking about present events (that never happen)
Grammar: verbs like entendre (present) , (all persons), negation with ne…pas (de) and, 'ne…jamais (de)' in single-verb structures (present)
Term 1.2 Resources
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Original v1, NCELP Resource Google Slides
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Year 9 Term 1.2 Week 1
Context, communication, and culture: Les gens et les lieux, Travel activities in France, Jeanne d'Arc
Key ideas: Using infinitives
Grammar: use of infinitive after aller, aimer and modal verbs and prepositions pour and sans, inversion (VS) questions in single and two-verb structures, with and without question words, il/elle (single-verb structures) (present)
Year 9 Term 1.2 Week 2
Context, communication, and culture: Les gens et les lieux, Nationality and religion
Key ideas: Using nous and adjectives
Grammar: croire (je, tu, il/elle), feminine noun formation rules 1-3 and 4: -en ➜ -nne, plural noun formation rules 1-3 and 4: no change with -s, -x, feminine adjective agreement rule 4: -el ➜ -elle, article use with être + nationality and religion, use of definite article before an adjective to form a noun, verbs like venir (all persons)
Year 9 Term 1.2 Week 3
Context, communication, and culture: Les gens et les lieux, Staying in a hotel
Key ideas: Using possessive adjectives
Grammar: possessive adjectives (mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, son sa ses, notre, nos, votre, vos, leur, leurs), register: tu vs vous
Year 9 Term 1.2 Week 4
Context, communication, and culture: Les gens et les lieux, Le Sénégal
Key ideas: revision of grammar from terms 8.3.2, 9.1.1 and 9.1.2 for assessment
Grammar: perfect tense: adverb position, inversion questions; ne … pas, ne … jamais; modal verbs (singular and plural); il faut; adjective agreement (patterns 1-5, 6); croire, connaître (je, tu, il/elle); possessive adjectives (singular and plural)
Year 9 Term 1.2 Week 5
Assessment Week
Year 9 Term 1.2 Week 6
Context, communication, and culture: Ma journée, Talking about your day
Key ideas: Using numbers and telling the time
Grammar: construction rule for numbers 32-69, impersonal verbs: il est + time, uses of avoir and être (present) to talk about feelings and states, inversion (VS) questions with and without question words (single-verb structures)
Year 9 Term 1.2 Week 7
Context, communication, and culture: Noël dans le monde, Extended reading
Key ideas: Using de and using adjectives (revisited), Text exploitation 2: Vive le vent
Grammar: partitive article (du, de la, des, de l') for distinguishing between parts and wholes and with uncountable nouns, use of de after expressions of quantity, adjective positioning (pre- and post-nominal; multiple adjectives), comparative structures (adjectives and adverbs)