Year 8 French Term 3
Term 3.1 Resources
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Year 8 Term 3.1 Week 1
Context, communication, and culture: Comparing things, Out and about
Key ideas: Comparing with adjectives
Grammar: feminine adjective agreement rules 1, 2, 3, 4: -l ➜ -lle and, 5: -n ➜ -nne, comparative forms of adjectives, adjectives in comparative structures
Year 8 Term 3.1 Week 2
Context, communication, and culture: Comparing experiences, Family life
Key ideas: Comparing with adjectives and adverbs
Grammar: comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs, adjectives and adverbs in comparative structures
Year 8 Term 3.1 Week 3
Context, communication, and culture: Comparing experiences
Key ideas: Using -RE verbs like prendre for present actions
Grammar: verbs like prendre (present), (je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles)
Year 8 Term 3.1 Week 4
Context, communication, and culture: Communicating in other languages
Key ideas: Using -RE verbs like entendre for present actions
Grammar: verbs like entendre (present), (je, tu, il/elle), contraction of definite article after à and de, verbs with à and de before a noun
Year 8 Term 3.1 Week 5
Context, communication, and culture: Communicating in other languages
Key ideas: Using -RE verbs like lire & écrire for present actions
Grammar: verbs like lire (present), (je, tu, il/elle), verbs like écrire (present), (je, tu, il/elle), tout(e)(s), tous
Year 8 Term 3.1 Week 6
Context, communication, and culture: Communicating in other languages
Key ideas: Using -RE verbs like entendre for present actions
Grammar: verbs like entendre (present), (nous, vous, ils/elles), intonation (SV) questions with and without question words
Term 3.2 Resources
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Original v1, NCELP Resource Google Slides
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Year 8 Term 3.2 Week 1
Context, communication, and culture: Communicating in other languages, Describing language learning experiences
Key ideas: Using -RE verbs like lire & écrire for present actions
Grammar: verbs like lire (present), (nous, vous, ils/elles), verbs like écrire (present), (nous, vous, ils/elles), faire with weather expressions, inversion (VS) questions with and without question words
Year 8 Term 3.2 Week 2
Context, communication, and culture: Talking about the environment
Key ideas: Using -RE verbs for present actions,
Grammar: revision of grammar from terms 2.2 and 3.1 for assessment (adjective agreement (gender patterns 1-3, 4, 5 and irregular forms; number patterns 1, 2 and 3); adjective positioning (pre- and post-nominal; multiple adjectives); même(s), autre(s), plusieurs; verbs like entendre, prendre, lire, écrire, choisir, sortir, venir and choisir (present) (je, tu, il/elle/on, nous, vous, ils/elles); comparative structures with adjectives and adverbs
Year 8 Term 3.2 Week 3
Assessment week
Year 8 Term 3.2 Week 4
Context, communication, and culture: Past events
Key ideas: Asking inversion questions in the past (perfect) tense
Grammar: present vs perfect (with past simple equivalent in English), (je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles), inversion (VS) questions (perfect)
Year 8 Term 3.2 Week 5
Context, communication, and culture: Past events, School holidays
Key ideas: Talking about what you did and have done
Grammar; perfect (with past simple and present perfect equivalent in English) (je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles), specified vs unspecified times in the past, adverb placement (present vs perfect)
Year 8 Term 3.2 Week 6
Context, communication, and culture: Past events, An accident,
Key ideas: Asking about what you did and have done
Grammar: present vs perfect (with past simple and present perfect equivalent in English), past participle formation: verbs like prendre, dit, fait, bu, eu, intonation (SV) and est-ce que questions in the perfect, (did? vs have/has?)
Context, communication, and culture: Past events, Extended reading, Déjeuner du matin
Key ideas: Asking about what you did and have done, Text exploitation 2, Déjeuner du matin
Grammar: perfect (with past simple and present perfect equivalent in English) (all persons), past participle formation: -ER verbs, verbs like prendre, dit, fait, bu, eu, intonation (SV) questions with question words (perfect)