Year 8 French Term 2
Term 2.1 Resources
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Year 8 Term 2.1 Week 1
Context, communication, and culture: Everyday life, Talking about eating and drinking
Grammar: Using 'de', partitive article (du, de la, des, de l') with uncountable nouns and unspecified quantities, partitive article de/d' in the negative and with expressions of quantity, boire (je, tu, il/elle)
Year 8 Term 2.1 Week 2
Context, communication, and culture: Everyday life, Talking about when, where and how
Key ideas: Talking about when, where and how using adverbs, Consolidation week 3.
Grammar: verbs like prendre, sortir and venir; dire (present) (je, tu, il/elle), adverb positioning (single-verb structures), feminine adjective agreement rules 1,2 3 and irregular forms , plural adjective agreement rule 1, pre- and post-nominal adjective placement
Year 8 Term 2.1 Week 3
Context, communication, and culture: Everyday life, Talking about a typical day (last week or in general)
Key ideas: Talking about past and present actions (revisited)
Grammar: revision of grammar from terms 7.3.2, 8.1.1, 8.1.2 and 8.2.1 for assessment (ce, cet, cette, ces; quel, quelle, quels, quelles; present vs perfect (with past simple equivalent in English) including est-ce que questions (je,tu, il/elle); contraction of definite article after à and de; partitive article (du, de la, des, de l') for distinguishing between parts and wholes and with uncountable nouns; use of de (and omission of article) before nouns following a verb in negative and after expressions of quantity; feminine noun formation rules 1, 2, 3; plural noun formation rules 1, 2, 3)
Year 8 Term 2.1 Week 4
Assessment week
Year 8 Term 2.1 Week 5
Context, communication, and culture: A school exchange, Talking about what groups of people do
Key ideas and grammar: Talking about more than one (with -IR verbs like sortir, venir)
Grammar: verbs like sortir (present), (nous, vous, ils/elles), verbs like venir (present), (nous, vous, ils/elles), sans + infinitive
Year 8 Term 2.1 Week 6
Context, communication, and culture: A school exchange, Formal and informal situations
Key ideas: Saying 'you' in formal and informal situations
Grammar: vous as formal 'you', on with impersonal meaning 'people, you, one' and with impersonal meaning 'we'
Term 2.2 Resources
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Original v1, NCELP Google Slides
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Year 8 Term 2.2 Week 1
Context, communication, and culture: School life, Talking about what you and others do at school
Key ideas: Talking about present actions , (with -IR verbs like choisir)
Grammar; verbs like choisir (present), (je, tu, il/elle), intonation (SV), inversion (VS) and est-ce que questions (single-verb structures)
Year 8 Term 2.2 Week 2
Context, communication, and culture: School life, Talking about what you are doing this week and what you do every week
Key ideas: Talking about present actions , (with -IR verbs like choisir)
Grammar: verbs like choisir (present) (je, tu, il/elle/on, nous, vous, ils/elles), present with future meaning, use of definite article with days of the week to express habitual actions, intonation (SV), inversion (VS) and est-ce que questions with question words (single-verb structures)
Year 8 Term 2.2 Week 3
Context, communication, and culture: In the news, A day in the life, of a journalist
Key ideas: Describing more than one thing
Grammar: plural noun formation rules 1,, 2: -au/-eu ➜ -aux/-eux and , 3: -al ➜ -aux, plural adjective formation rules 1,, 2: no change with -s or -x and, 3: -al ➜ -aux
Year 8 Term 2.2 Week 4
Context, communication, and culture: In the news, Describing things, people and events
Key ideas: Describing more than one thing
Grammar: pre-nominal vs post-nominal adjective poisitioning, même(s), autre(s), plusieurs, positioning of multiple adjectives
Year 8 Term 2.2 Week 5
Context, communication, and culture: Planning a trip, Talking about visiting a country or city
Key ideas: Talking about intending, wanting, having and being able to do, Consolidation week 4
Grammar: modal verbs (present): devoir, vouloir, pouvoir, savoir, (je, tu, il/elle), aller + infinitive (future intention), (je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles), intonation (SV) and inversion (VS) questions, adverb placement and negation with ne...pas in two-verb structures