Year 8 French Term 1

Term 1.1 Resources

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Year 8 Term 1.1 Week 1

Context, communication, and culture: Talking about how to say and write new words in French

Key ideas: Talking about things and people, (Consolidation week 1)

Grammar: articles (definite and indefinite), gender and number, il y a / il n'y a pas de, il(s)/elle(s) meaning 'it'/'they', possessive adjectives, (mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes)

Year 8 Term 1.1 Week 2

Context, communication, and culture: Talking about jobs: having or being

Key ideas: Talking about having and being people and jobs

Grammar: être vs avoir (present), intonation (SV), inversion (VS) and est-ce que questions (single-verb structures), article use with être + profession

Year 8 Term 1.1 Week 3

Context, communication, and culture: Talking about jobs

Key ideas: Talking about having and being people and jobs

Grammar; feminine adjective agreement rules 1, 2 and 3 -x ➜ -se, feminine noun formation, rules 1, 2 and 3 -eur ➜ -rice

Year 8 Term 1.1 Week 4

Context, communication, and culture: Talking about celebrations, Key months and numbers in France, francophone celebrations

Key ideas: Asking WH-questions

Grammar: construction rule for numbers , 13-31, question word + est-ce que , intonation (SV) and inversion (VS) questions with question words (single-verb structures)

Year 8 Term 1.1 Week 5

Context, communication, and culture: Talking about how people celebrate [1], Special dates in francophone countries, Le Carnaval de Nice, La Fête de la Musique

Key ideas: Talking about 'you' in general

Grammar: pronoun 'on' with impersonal meaning 'people, you, one', -ER verbs (present) (all persons), construction rule for dates

Year 8 Term 1.1 Week 6

Context, communication, and culture: Talking about how people celebrate [2], La Fête Nationale

Key ideas: Talking about 'you' in general and 'we' specifically

Grammar: possessive adjectives , (mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes , son, sa, ses, notre, nos)

Year 8 Term 1.1 Week 7

Context, communication, and culture: Talking about everyday activities

Key ideas: Talking about what people do (Consolidation week 2)

Grammar: -ER verbs (present) (all persons), contraction of definite article after à, intonation (SV) and inversion (VS) questions, with and without question words (single-verb structures), negation with ne … pas (single-verb structures)

Term 1.2 Resources

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Year 8 Term 1.2 Week 1

Context, communication, and culture: Past activities - everyday routines, Talking about what you are doing today vs what you did yesterday

Key ideas: Talking about past and present actions

Grammar: present vs perfect, (with past simple equivalent in English) (je), past participle formation: faire, dire, -ER verbs (taking avoir)

Year 8 Term 1.2 Week 2

Context, communication, and culture: Past activities, Holidays

Key ideas: Talking about past and present actions

Grammar: present vs perfect, (with past simple equivalent in English) (je, tu), intonation (SV) questions with question words (present vs perfect), ce, cet, cette, ces

Year 8 Term 1.2 Week 3

Context, communication, and culture: Past activities, Talking about holidays

Key ideas: Talking about past and present actions

Grammar: present vs perfect, (with past simple equivalent in English) (je,tu, il/elle), , il y a vs il y avait

Year 8 Term 1.2 Week 4

Context, communication, and culture: Past activities, Asking and answering questions about holidays

Key ideas: Asking questions in the past

Grammar: intonation (SV) and est-ce que questions (present vs perfect) , (je, tu, il/elle), negation: ne…pas de , (present vs perfect)

Year 8 Term 1.2 Week 5

Context, communication, and culture: Extended reading, Au réveillon de Noël sur l’ISS, la gastronomie française au menu

Interactions: Photo description (speaking)

Key ideas: Understanding present and past actions, Text exploitation 1, Langue de bœuf ou poulet au vin jaune

Grammar: present vs perfect, (with past simple equivalent in English) (je,tu, il/elle)

Year 8 Term 1.2 Week 6

Context, communication, and culture: Free time activities, Talking about what you do and where

Grammar: Using 'de', prepositions taking de, contraction of definite article after à and de, verbs with à and de before a noun, intonation (SV), inversion (VS) and est-ce que questions (single-verb structures)

Year 8 Term 1.2 Week 7

Context, communication, and culture: Free time activities, Talking about shopping for food and other activities

Grammar: Using 'de', partitive article, (du, de la, des, de l') for distinguishing between parts and wholes and after 'faire' with sports, contraction of definite article after de, intonation (SV), inversion (VS) and est-ce que questions with question words (single-verb structures), quel, quelle, quels, quelles