Year 7 French Term 3

Term 3.1 Resources

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Year 7 Term 3.1 Week 1

Context, communication, and culture: In school and out of school, Asking questions

Interactions (speaking and writing): Personalising your answers

Key ideas: Asking questions

Grammar: common irregular –RE verbs (present), prendre, apprendre, comprendre, dire, (je, tu, il/elle), inversion questions

Year 7 Term 3.1 Week 2

Context, communication, and culture: In school and out of school, Asking questions about others

Key ideas: Asking questions

Grammar: common irregular –IR verbs (present), sortir, venir, (je, tu, il/elle), inversion questions (il/elle), inversion questions with two-verb structures

Year 7 Term 3.1 Week 3

Context, communication, and culture: In school and out of school, Using question words

Key ideas: Asking questions

Grammar: Inversion questions with question words 'comment', 'où', 'quand', 'quoi', 'pourquoi'

Year 7 Term 3.1 Week 4

Context, communication, and culture: Everyday life: people and places, Saying people are not doing something

Key ideas: Talking about not doing

Grammar: negation: ne...pas, (with single-verb structures), dormir, (je, tu, il/elle)

Year 7 Term 3.1 Week 5

Context, communication, and culture: Everyday life: people and places, Saying what is and isn't there

Key ideas: Talking about not doing

Grammar: negation: ne…pas de/d', (with nouns)

Year 7 Term 3.1 Week 6

Context, communication, and culture: Everyday life: people and places, Describing places

Key ideas: Talking about not doing

Grammar: pre-nominal position of certain common adjectives, irregular feminine forms of adjectives

Term 3.2 Resources

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Year 7 Term 3.2 Week 1

Key ideas: Revision week

Year 7 Term 3.2 Week 3

Context, communication, and culture: Making plans, Talking about weekend plans and future intentions

Key ideas: Talking about future intentions

Grammar: aller + infinitive, (je, tu, il/elle), negation: ne…pas with two-verb structures, partir, (je, tu, il/elle)

Year 7 Term 3.2 Week 4

Context, communication, and culture: Making plans, Talking about holiday plans

Key ideas: Talking about future intentions

Grammar: aller + infinitive, (je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles), inversion questions in two-verb structures with question words

Year 7 Term 3.2 Week 5

Context, communication, and culture: Holidays & making new friends, Saying what you want to do and what you must / have to do

Key ideas: Talking about wanting and having to do

Grammar: modal verbs with dependent infinitives, devoir, vouloir, (je, tu, il/elle), prepositions en, dans, pour, à

Year 7 Term 3.2 Week 6

Context, communication, and culture: Holidays & making new friends, Saying what you can / can't do and what you know how to / don't know how to do

Key ideas: Talking about wanting, having and being able to do

Grammar: modal verbs with dependent infinitives in questions and negative sentences, devoir, vouloir, pouvoir, (je, tu, il/elle), savoir, (je, tu, il/elle), inversion questions with two-verb structures

Year 7 Term 3.2 Week 7

Context, communication, and culture: Extended reading

Key ideas: Text exploitation 3, L'homme qui te ressemble