Year 7 French Term 1

Term 1.1 Resources

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Year 7 Term 1.1 Week 1

Context, communication, and culture: Identity: Meeting and greeting | Describing a person

Key ideas: Talking about being

Grammar: être (je, tu), regular adjective gender agreement (as complement to verb only)

Year 7 Term 1.1 Week 2

Context, communication, and culture: Identity: Description | Describing a person or a thing

Key ideas Talking about being

Grammar: être (je, tu, il/elle), regular adjective gender agreement (as complement to verb only), intonation questions

Year 7 Term 1.1 Week 3

Context, communication, and culture: Identity: Belongings  | Saying what people have

Key ideas: Talking about having

Grammar: avoir (je, il/elle), indefinite articles and gender (un, une), intonation questions

Year 7 Term 1.1 Week 4

Context, communication, and culture: Identity: belongings  | Describing what people have

Key ideas: Talking about having

Grammar: avoir (je, tu, il/elle), indefinite articles & gender (un, une), post-nominal position of adjectives (attributive, i.e. with noun), intonation questions

Year 7 Term 1.1 Week 5

Context, communication, and culture: Identity: Describing a friend  |  Distinguishing between having and being  

Key ideas: Talking about having & being

Grammar: être & avoir (je, tu, il/elle), feminisation of job titles (-e), subject pronouns il/elle meaning 'it', indefinite articles

Year 7 Term 1.1 Week 6

Context, communication, and culture: Identity: Others  |  Talking about a specific person or thing,

Key ideas: Talking about having & being

Grammar: être & avoir (je, tu, il/elle), definite article (le, la, les, l'), plural marking on nouns (-s)

Year 7 Term 1.1 Week 7

Context, communication, and culture: Activities at home: Talking about doing and making things

Key ideas: Talking about doing

Grammar: faire for English equivalents 'do' and 'make' only followed by le/la/l'/les (je, tu, il/elle), definite articles (le, la, les, l'), intonation questions with question words (quoi)

Term 1.2 Resources

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Year 7 Term 1.2 Week 1

Context, communication, and culture: Un poème: Sept Couleurs Magiques | Culture and communication 2: Extended reading

Interactions (speaking and writing): Writing a poem

Key ideas: Extended reading 1 (Sept couleurs magiques)

Year 7 Term 1.2 Week 2

Context, communication, and culture: Activities on trips: Saying what people do

Key ideas: Talking about doing

Grammar: faire with English equivalents other than 'do/make' (je, tu, il/elle)

Year 7 Term 1.2 Week 3

Context, communication, and culture: Activities in class:, Saying what people do and like doing

Key ideas: Talking about doing

Grammar: -ER verbs (je, tu, il/elle), present with simple meaning, à with certain verbs, (at), two-verb structures: aimer + infinitive

Year 7 Term 1.2 Week 4

Context, communication, and culture: Activities in class [2]: talking about actions to others 

Key ideas: Talking about doing

Grammar: -ER verbs (je, tu, il/elle), present simple used with its continuous meaning, à with certain verbs, (at vs to), two-verb structures: aimer + infinitive

Year 7 Term 1.2 Week 5

Context, communication, and culture: Activities at home & on an exchange: saying what you do with others

IKey ideas: Talking about doing with others, 

Grammar: -ER verbs (je, tu, il/elle, nous), present simple used with its continuous meaning, intonation questions

Year 7 Term 1.2 Week 6

Context, communication, and culture: Activities in and out of school: Saying what others do

Key ideas: Talking about doing with others

Grammar: -ER verbs (je, tu, il/elle, nous, ils/elles)

Year 7 Term 1.2 Week 7

Context, communication, and culture: Saying 'you' singular and plural

Key ideas: Talking about doing with others

Grammar: -ER verbs (je, tu, il/elle, nous,, vous, ils/elles)