Linking Research with Classroom Practice

Other Presentations

An introduction to NCELP pedagogy and resources_Introduction to NCELP Hope PGCE.pptx

An introduction to NCELP pedagogy and resources, a presentation for Spanish workshops 2021_Introduction to NCELP consejería (2).pptx

Association for Language Learning London - NCELP Sometimes little things… make a BIG difference_ALL London NCELP Sometimes little things.pptx

British Academy Symposium NCELP introduction and key activities_British Academy Symposium NCELP intro key activities.pdf

Introduction to evidence-informed pedagogy with NCELP_Intro to evidence-informed pedagogy NCELP York PGCE Marsden 10 Oct 2022.pptx

Introduction to NCELP resources and schemes of work. Presentation for The PTI on 23 June 2021_Introduction to NCELP - 23rd June 2021.pptx

Introduction to NCELP. Presentation at the Institute of Education, University of Reading_NCELP for UniversityofReading ITT.pptx

Old dogs can learn new tricks: research- and practice-informed ideas for language teaching. Presentation at ALL London online event June 2020_ALL London Old dogs can learn new tricks.pptx

Sometimes the little things…make a big difference_Sometimes little things 09.10.19 (2).pptx

Supporting Foreign Language Teaching in Schools: NCELP. Presentation at the Future of Modern Foreign Language in Education Conference, March 2021_RHawkes NCELP Keynote 24 March 2021.pptx

The National Centre for Excellence for Language Pedagogy (NCELP) Linking research on language learning and teaching with classroom practice and curriculum design_Marsden MFL conference InsideGov 15 Oct 2019 final.pptx

What can NCELP offer a Teacher Educator?' 10 Things_10 things NCELP and ITET 5 July 2022.pptx

Working at the research-practice interface: Drawing on ‘hard evidence’ using OASIS summaries_NCELP ST Day sessions and questions 13-10-2020.docx

Working at the research-practice interface: Drawing on ‘hard evidence’ using OASIS summaries_Working-at-the-research-practice-interface-ST Day13102020.pptx