Diversity, inclusion and representation in resources for young beginner learners of French, German, and Spanish_Diversity Inclusion and Representation Beginners MFL Resources.pptx
Diversity, inclusion and representation in resources for young beginner learners of French, German, and Spanish_Finlayson Hawkes Avery Marsden diversity inclusion representation beginner MFL resources Part1 (2).pptx
Diversity, inclusion and representation in resources for young beginner learners of French, German, and Spanish_Finlayson Hawkes Avery Marsden diversity inclusion representation beginner MFL resources Part2 (2).pptx
Diversity, inclusion and representation in resources for young beginner learners of French, German, and Spanish_French DIR examples.pptx
Diversity, inclusion and representation in resources for young beginner learners of French, German, and Spanish_German DIR examples.pptx
Diversity, inclusion and representation in resources for young beginner learners of French, German, and Spanish_Spanish DIR examples.pptx